
Myths 13 ♥♠

I have read the myths of Callisto, Clymie and The Myrmidons. After taking the main idea of each you can see how important it was both for the romans and the greeks love, beauty, and honor.
Callisto was turned into a bear since June was "defending" her honor for she feared her husband would fall in love with Callisto's omnipotent beauty and Callisto then after years saw her son and remembered how much she love him because he was part of her family.
Clymtie was a gorgeous water nymph who fell in love with Apollo but since he was a god he didn't see her of honorable enough to behold and captivate the beauty of Apollo who dicided to pay no attention to her. Yet she pretty much starved herself from everything and sat on a rock to cry over her beloved forever being only able to see him when he took the sun out.
The Myrmidons were a group of people who at the end created a sociey yet they faced may obstacles regarding honor and still made it on to create a stable noticable.

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