
Myths 12 ♥♠

I have read the myths of The Pygmies, The Griffin, and The Golden Fleece. Usually I make comparrisions between them and come down to a bottom line which is the argument of my blog but to relate these myths I would en up with a communal blog post but reading these myths I see that th Roman and the Greeks didn't inted for them to be realted and compared. The were intended to give them, the people, a sense of security and peace since they would feel that these gods and majestic creatures were looking up at them and they were beeing taken care of every moment.

2 comentarios:

J. Tangen dijo...

How do you come to this conclusion? Where do you see peace in these myths? Don't make them Christians.


You're still not citing text. To back up your opinions you must cite text.

Anónimo dijo...

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