Myths 12 ♥♠
Myths 11 ♥♠
Myths 10 ♥♠
I compare it to:
- If there is a really girl who has a curious peculiar beauty who isn't very social and a gorggeus girl who isn't very bright but has many friends which were you to pick to spend a day with?? Probably the pretty girl since because she has so many friends she must be really nice but you find out after she speaks only about herslef for 24 hours straight that at least half of her "friends" are people who just worship her beauty. And probably you realize the smart girl is an awesome person. Yet still, you will care more for the pretty girl and thus for her happiness.
Because you see something in the pretty girl that makes you want to make her happy since she is "better" than you.
And sadly, this won't ever change. Life itself is a popularity contest.
Myths 9 ♥♠
Today I read the myths of Nisus and Scylla, Echo and Narcissus, and Clytie and I once again found they connect it all thru love. But in these you can see who when what you love the most is put to a test of danger which they must overcome.
I mostly liked the ideas of platonic love like the flower and the sun captives me and makes me see how much the greeks and romans influenced us in modern day ideas such as books, music, and even sayings.
Myths 8 ♥♠
Elements like jelousy, love, hate, vengance, punishment, and belief are used as much and as well now as then.
Myths 7 ♥♠
Love has always given people hope and in a way throught history everywhere people have died in the name of love for there are also gods and goddesses of love so this made me think alot about how culture has changed from then to today and how the importance of feelings has changed but neverless lost its importance.
Myths 6 ♥♠
I find it so peculiar and interesting the way Cupid act so calm and sweet, like a child and then attacks Apollo back because of the insults not physicaly but mentally and crushing his heart to shreds. When Cupid sends his arrow to Apollo, he intends for Apollo to fall in love and not be conressponded to prove his supperiority to his family member as I found out after creating the god's family tree but anyway, when he, Cupid, sends an arrow to Apollo's beloved so she would reject Apollo I interpret this as the strenght of the small.
It is the law of life in a sentence, survival of the fittess. But in this story you can see that they fittess won't always be the one you expect. In the animal kingdom, the lion is thought to be the king of the jungle but the mouse in common folk tales saves the lion from its undefiable death. Yet, what if the mouse doesn't want to save the lion and preffers to run off?
Life is like a box of chocolates... you never know what you're gonna get..
Myths 5 ♥♠
Using logic, the story has changed alot throughout the years and the authors that have re-told it may have changed it to fit their idea of troy making me think that maybe Homer was told this story and wrote it or you can see it as Homer living at the time and the writting being passed down to everyone being a very antique and historical text. But this also has its catch: translations aren't always exact and Homer might not even be a real person.
Using ethos, the story changes alot in the diferent versions of it and appeals to each "kind" of person. For example, there are very romantic versions of Paris and Helen for romantic people while there are very action versions of the story for those who like thrills but in the end my question is, what really happened?
And with pathos they make you feel a splash of emotions which are constantly changing like if the story was written by different people with different points of view.
In a short conclusion Troy was an empire, the prince stole the queen os Greece's heart, she eloped with him to Troy, her husband followed her and attacked the kingdom of Troy, Troy lost the battle because of Greece's trickery, Homer heard and saw it all and wrote it down.
Rhethoric ♥♠
“Once again, the president failed to provide either a plan to successfully end the war or a convincing rationale to continue it,” said Mr. Reed, an author of a Democratic proposal that would withdraw most combat troops by next spring, but still leave a significant force in Iraq to provide training and security.
This part is more emotional and arguing with someone's point of view about something.
From: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/09/14/travel/escapes/14YOUR.html?ref?8dpc
"Second-home owners should take extra care when winterizing a swimming pool."
This is arguing with logic because it says why someone should do something that seams pretty reasonable and is backed up by other statements wich are convincing.
From: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/09/14/business/14econ.html?hp
"There are signs that consumers are beginning to be more cautious as a result of the turmoil in the credit markets."
I would have to say this is mostly anti-rhethoric because it bases itself on a data that is not confirmed and it doesn't give a persuasive opinion.
From: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/09/12/books/12grimes.html?_r=1&ref=books&oref=slogin
"In this fevered atmosphere Mr. Chapman flourished like an exotic flower."
This part of the writting intends for the reader to understand because of common knowledge what it means logically.
From: http://travel.nytimes.com/2007/09/14/travel/escapes/14revel.html?8dpc
"In the Canadian mountains, plenty of wide-open spaces remain within reach."
This plays with logic and emotion since it gives a feeling of trust and knows what the people want and like as well as the people infere from the quote and understand it by contrasting it to other knowledge.
Myths 4 ♥♠
The role of women today in some places is as much as it used to be back then and even less. They saw them as baby-makers and maids that where there to cook, clean and fornicate with and for men but if you see it today, some girls are brought up with the idea that women must get married and be house-maids for their children.
I believe in the revolution of the femenine power like if a man can be a lawyer or a doctor, why can't a woman do the same? I quote an unkown artist:
- "A woman can do all a man can and do it in high heels."
Myths 3 ♥♠
But I think to myself, if humans dont respoect themselves, why respect greatures we are unsure if are real_ In fact, if humans dont respect themselves making the human specie look as a mindless follower, then why should the gods respect us?
The humans made the gods seem so invencible why did they hate us so much that they destroyed our selfestem and beliefs making us give up so much for them when it is because of us that they were so powerful.
Myths 2 ♥♠
- pleased the gods
- pleased his parents
- married a wonderful lady
- was accepted by those they looked up to
- endangered himself for everyone else and the nation
Nowadays, as the thoughts of revolution and evolution have come so fast to youngsters, these are no longer their main goals even thought they are similar to that of the oppresing community that surrounds us all. For example, today the teenagers no longer care about religion as much and dont necesarily believe the same as their parents even if those are the same thoughts they were brought up with.
I thought also of a modern day Perseus and it probably he would be dead. Group Presure, psycological presure, family and social pressure is so high now and so different each from each it would have killed him. I mean, a person cannot have flawless grades as well as being accepted by those around him as an equal and be the role model example for his siblings who have different thoughts and believes.
Myths ♥♠
The giatns, centaurus, and pegasus were looked up to more as creatures of good fortune and, in the language of Mythology, they were more respected and accepted by the people since they where noble for strange reasons like being a part human or being able to give wealth and health to those that encountered them.